Decent work and economic growth

Nakhchivan State University (NSU) in Azerbaijan is actively contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 8 by prioritizing decent work and fostering economic growth within its community. NSU ensures fair compensation for its employees, including students and staff, aligning with the principles of decent work. The university recognizes the importance of providing reasonable wages to maintain the economic well-being of its workforce. The NSU Trade Union Committee, a vital component of the university structure, actively safeguards the interests of employees. With a commitment to cultural integrity, this committee plays a crucial role in advocating for fair employment practices and ethical standards. NSU has implemented strong anti-discrimination policies, ensuring that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. The university upholds the principles of equality, providing job opportunities based on merit and experience. NSU promotes gender equality in its leadership roles, exemplified by the presence of women in significant positions such as deans and heads of departments. This commitment to gender diversity contributes to creating an inclusive and equitable work environment. NSU's commitment to human rights is reinforced by its dedication to education in this field. The university actively engages in activities that prevent forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labor, aligning with SDG 8. In cases of disputes related to employee rights, NSU provides transparent mechanisms for resolution, allowing for fair and just outcomes. This approach ensures that the university adheres to principles of decency and equality in the workplace. Nakhchivan State University's practices in the realm of employment and economic growth align with SDG 8, contributing to the broader global efforts towards sustainable development.