The ENACTUS (Entrepreneurial Action Us)

The ENACTUS (Entrepreneurial Action Us) international program, established in 1975 by American universities, is an organization dedicated to uniting present and future leaders in the pursuit of a better and more sustainable world through the positive influence of business. Functioning as a collaborative partnership between higher education institutions and business entities, ENACTUS fosters a culture of cooperation and mutual support. Through these partnerships, student teams engage in practical applications of free enterprise principles within their communities while also disseminating the knowledge gained to others. Since its inception in the mid-1970s, ENACTUS has grown substantially. By the academic years of 1994-1995, over 30,000 students from 171 teams were actively involved in the program in the United States alone. Presently, student teams from approximately 50 countries participate in the annual Enactus World Cup, making ENACTUS one of the largest university-based organizations worldwide. The primary mission of Enactus teams extends beyond mere information dissemination; they seek to inspire audiences to realize their full potential by promoting the principles of free enterprise and actively working to enhance the quality of life in their communities. Azerbaijan joined the ENACTUS organization in 2005, with national championships being held to foster entrepreneurial spirit among the youth and promote the idea of free enterprise among students. The establishment of the ENACTUS team at Nakhchivan State University (NSU) in 2008 marked a significant milestone. From its inception, the NSU ENACTUS team has spearheaded innovative educational programs, promoted free entrepreneurship, and pursued social objectives, achieving notable success in various competitions. Despite its relatively short existence, the NSU ENACTUS team has garnered significant achievements. Notably, in 2009, the team secured the 3rd place in the national championship and went on to represent Azerbaijan in the competition among Central Asian and South Caucasian countries. Subsequent successes followed, including winning the 2010 ENACTUS championship in Azerbaijan and representing the country at the World Championship in Los Angeles. The team continued to excel, winning accolades in subsequent national and international competitions, showcasing their commitment to entrepreneurial leadership and societal impact.