Nakhchivan State University (NSU) co-organized the "GreenFest" event at the "Saat Meydanı" Recreation Center in Nakhchivan City. The opening ceremony featured a speech by Samir Seyidahmadli, Deputy Representative of the President of Azerbaijan in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, who highlighted that the festival aligns with COP29 and the "Year of Solidarity for a Green World" initiative. Seyidahmadli stressed COP29’s importance for Azerbaijan both politically and economically and reaffirmed the country’s commitment to global efforts in combating climate change. He also noted the strategic designation of liberated territories and Nakhchivan as green energy zones, emphasizing NSU’s vital role in these efforts and its contributions to environmental policy. "GreenFest" included awards for innovative environmental startups and an exhibition of ecological solutions, featuring NSU faculty and students who showcased their work at a dedicated booth. The event aimed to raise awareness on environmental protection, using technology, research, and startup presentations to engage the public on modern ecological challenges and sustainable solutions.