A scientific-practical conference called "Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of dental and jaw anomalies" was held at Nakhchivan State University

On the momentous occasion of the 100th anniversary of independence and the 101st anniversary of the birth of the esteemed national leader Heydar Aliyev, Nakhchivan State University convened a significant scientific-practical conference titled "Modern Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Jaw Anomalies." Prior to the commencement of the conference, distinguished guests paid homage to the legacy of the national leader Heydar Aliyev by visiting his monument, where they laid floral tributes as a token of respect. Subsequently, during their tour of the Heydar Aliyev Museum, guests were provided comprehensive insights into the esteemed statesman's illustrious life through an array of photographs chronicling his journey, alongside exhibits dedicated to his formative years, childhood, and youth. Continuing the itinerary, guests were escorted to the Faculty of Medicine at the university, where they were acquainted with the extensive facilities including the library, computer room, and various specialized laboratories encompassing histology, anatomy, physiotherapy, pathology, dental and pharmaceutical simulations, chemistry, and physiology. The conference commenced with a solemn moment of remembrance for National Leader Heydar Aliyev and fallen martyrs, accompanied by the rendition of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In his address, Rector Elbrus Isayev highlighted the university's longstanding tradition of hosting conferences and symposiums in the field of medical science. He underscored the modern teaching and learning environment fostered by the institution, particularly emphasizing the advancements within the Faculty of Medicine, which was established 25 years ago under the auspices of state patronage. Isayev underscored the significance of bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application, facilitated through engagements such as interactions with eminent surgeons, masterclasses, and the organization of conferences, symposiums, and seminars on the forefront of medical science. He extolled the role of faculty graduates in bolstering the healthcare system, both nationally and within the autonomous republic. Nazim Gasimov, Rector of the Institute for the Improvement of Physicians named after A. Aliyev, lauded the remarkable strides achieved in medical education within the republic. Nakhchivan State University stood out among esteemed medical universities in advancing this educational paradigm. Gasimov attributed this success to the institution's adept training of medical personnel, who now play a pivotal role in nurturing the next generation of healthcare professionals. He underscored the pivotal role of state leadership in nurturing a cadre of well-educated young professionals, thus underpinning the country's medical advancement.