The next meeting held at Nakhchivan State University was held between "Lazzat Food Industry" Limited Liability Company. Rector of the university Elbrus Isayev welcomed the guests, touched on the future points of such meetings for both parties, and looked at the useful aspects of such cooperation in the world experience. The Rector drew attention to the fact that such cooperation is of particular importance in the evaluation criteria of the higher educational institution, in selecting and evaluating it among prestigious universities. Elbrus Isayev talked about the cooperative relations with the company for many years. It was emphasized that the university's students of relevant specialties can become professional specialists in this direction in the future by being involved in the experience in the company. Teymur Rzayev, the founder and director of "Lazzet Food Industry" Limited Liability Company, touched on the important points of continuous holding of such meetings and noted that such cooperation in the labor market is an integral part of the reforms carried out in society. In the meeting, various projects and programs in order to achieve greater achievements in the fields of education and industry, as well as the integration of industrial experience and academic potential of the university in order to achieve the development of research and innovation within the framework of cooperation with "Lazzet Food Industry" Limited Liability Company in the Technopark that will be established at the university, are planned. Then, taking into account the prospects of bilateral cooperation, a mutual cooperation agreement supporting the innovative development of Nakhchivan State University was signed. It should be noted that this cooperation supports the creation of results-based university-industry cooperation in accordance with the accreditation rules, increases and improves the level of personnel training in higher education through research, training, innovation, technological development and capacity building, and the creation of various cooperation initiatives in order to support the sustainable development of regions. was created in order to create a mechanism and provide means for At the same time, the memorandum of cooperation included the goals of supporting mentoring programs and internship programs to achieve the connection of young researchers and students with industrial professionals and qualified specialists, to gain experience in the application of scientific achievements in industry. Elbrus Isayev presented a letter of thanks on behalf of the university to Teymur Rzayev for the company's support in various events and projects. Mutual gifts were presented, photos were taken as a souvenir of the meeting.